《黑鏡》編劇查理·布魯克在BBC有一檔諷刺欄目,其中有個虛擬主持人Philomena Cunk大受歡迎,查理索性將其釋放出來做了幾個獨立節(jié)目,片中P姐腦洞大過天,圍繞每期不同的主題,明明是向專家學者求教,卻總是搞得對方一臉黑線,一隊烏鴉眼前飛過,無數(shù)羊駝內(nèi)心奔騰,是我所見過的最好的談話終結者。其實,惹人歡笑的同時,片中蘊藏著豐富的事件背景,信息量極大,目前網(wǎng)上放出的資源有兩期,分別是《扯蛋圣誕節(jié)》、《扯蛋莎翁史》
'Santa has a list of good and bad children. The good children will get lots of presents and so, it turns out, will be the bad children. In fact, only ones who won’t get very much are the poor children- that’s because Santa judges a child’s goodness based largely on parental income.’
'Today, some people choose to turn the outside of their homes into a giant Advent Crown. A jolly house covered in electric lights maybe expensive and use a lot of power, but it’s the perfect way to cheer up a world worried about climate change and dwindling recourse.'
'Of course, in Queen Victorian times, only the super rich had fancy decorations. Ordinary, poor people had to celebrate Christmas by coughing and counting their surviving offspring.'
'Although it was scheduled to be over by Christmas, the war with Germany lasted four years. Mechanised conflict is the most horrifying legacy of the 20th century, as anyone who’s seen Robot Wars will agree. But at Christmas 1914, there was a brief ceasefire. The fighting stopped. Soldiers got out of their holes and joined together in a place called No Man’s Land showing that, even at moments of peace, men will still divide into two sides and try to beat one another. The Great War claimed over 17 million lives, making it the worst incident of football-related violence of all time.'
'TV’s becoming a thing of the olden past, like sundials or ploughs, because today, everyone has their own little screen, so they can ignore their immediate surroundings on an individual basis instead of as part of a collective effort. We’ve often told to feel sorry for those who are alone at Christmas, but these days that’s all of us and it’s brilliant.'
Hear hear.
Philomela Cunk的腦洞我是真喜歡,一邊一無所知,一邊無所不知,一本正經(jīng)又胡說八道。
圣誕預熱??merry Christmas and a very new year!
greatest prime minister Sir Charles dickens笑瑟!?。?!
哈哈哈比莎士比亞的那一集好懂很多!女主吐槽了叉因素常年占據(jù)圣誕時候音樂排行榜第一的那些歌其實根本就找不到圣誕元素存在的痕跡,“也許是因為Cowell染指任何與基督有關的東西,他就會被燒死吧”!不得不說比起大洋對岸的美帝還在糾結說不說Merrry Christmas,大英竟然已經(jīng)戲謔笑罵了,嘖嘖這差異。
認真探討了Y神只給一星的原因: 差評啊
對于我來說,圣誕就是long Doctor Who``````不過去年沒有emmmm【可憐的美食專家】
Jesus Christ Powell哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
Sound of Music is about a woman who is singing to the hills about hills in the hills. Lolllllll.
Even worse. Kate Williams的唇妝吸引了我所有的注意力??赡芤彩且驗槲依Я?,實在有點疲憊。睡覺睡覺。