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主演:比阿特麗斯·巴塔爾達(dá)  努諾·洛佩斯  Mariana  Nunes  貢薩洛·沃丁頓  卡拉·馬舍爾  Teresa  Coutinho  Paula  Santos  



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更新時間:2024-04-11 16:52


Drowning in debt, unemployed boxer Jorge is on the verge of losing his young son and his Brazilian wife. He is one of shocking amounts of Portuguese families and companies unable to repay their loans in the time of European troika bailout measures. Jorge needs to pay off his debts and convince his unhappy wife to not leave Portugal to make a living. Due to his intimidating physique, Jorge must reluctantly accept a job with a collection agency which drags him into a world of violence and crime...


 1 ) [Film Review] Chevalier (2022)

Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges (1745-1799), is a long forgotten virtuosic musician due to his pigmentation (erased from the history by Napoleon I), so it is high time to introduce his less heralded, if, unavoidably unfulfilled legacy to the whole world. Hence, Stephen Williams’s biopic dutifully does the job, though it somehow reeks of unsavory chauvinism.

A peer of Mozart, the before-title introduction scene pits Joseph (Harrison) against Mozart (Prowen) in a cadenza duel and ends up with Joseph upstaging the latter, A fanciful artistic license to imply that if we live in a just world, Mozart would’ve been called “Black Bologne” and not the vice versa. It might be too big a stretch, but it is imperative to do impelled by the necessity of rectifying past wrongs and empowering the repressed and mistreated, which is also something very easy to error on the side of for any artistic creation.

One of the major issues is that the script aridly makes a meal of Joseph’s interpersonal relations with members of the opposite sex to ginger up the insipid plot. For anyone who is equipped with adequate common sense, it pans out without any tact and surprise. To make matters worse, every female character is conceived only to counterpoise Joseph’s remarkable virtues: Madame Guimard (Driver) is vengeful because she is offended for failing to have her way with him; Joseph falls into disfavor is because Marie Antoinette (Boynton, breaking a sweat to compose herself as royal breeding is not in her element) backpedals and pulls the rug out from under first; even Marie-Josephine (Weaving, dismally miscast in period fineries), with whom Joseph engages an extramarital affair, is too craven to start a life anew with a black man, and is partially responsible for a dastardly infanticide. Even Joseph’s mother Nanon (Adekoluejo) fits right to the “magic negro” trope, dignified by her suffering and judgmental of Joseph’s deviation from his root. When she gives his son a piece of her mind, you can bet it is the nuggets of subsisting in a vastly unjust world.

As a performer, Harrison’s arduous industry of practicing violin is nothing if not remarkable, but his effort is woefully cheapened by Joseph’s anodyne characterization, whose personality is zilch, and whose every emotional output is mechanically predictable. Considering that the French Revolution is in the horizon and Joseph’s participation in it is completely left untapped, the omission CHEVALIER leaves behind is outright regrettable. That said, the grace note is that now anyone can freely savor new-discovered Joseph’s works to dispel any grievance, a justification of the low-hanging fruit sort.

Inhabiting in a cinematic world suffused with a glut of high-intention-low-execution biopics, audience has already had a bellyful, CHEVALIER is an umpteenth case in point. It is not okay to see talent and money get squandered in such a fashion, however noble the initiative is. Hereby, I rest my case.

referential entries: Milos Forman’s AMADEUS (1984, 8.9/10); Beno?t Jacquot’s FAREWELL, MY QUEEN (2012, 6.4/10).

Title: Chevalier
Year: 2022
Genre: Biography, Drama, History
Country: USA
Language: English, Wolof
Director: Stephen Williams
Screenwriter: Stefani Robinson
Music: Kris Bowers
Cinematography: Jess Hall
Editor: John Axelrad
Kelvin Harrison Jr.
Samara Weaving
Lucy Boynton
Marton Csokas
Ronke Adekoluejo
Minnie Driver
Alex Fitzalan
Sian Clifford
Henry Lloyd-Hughes
Joseph Prowen
Rating: 5.9/10



  • Sophia
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雖然是太過規(guī)整的傳記敘事,雖然對于主角人物的刻畫仍有一些不夠深刻的地方,但在有限的文本里導(dǎo)演講述了一個足夠吸引人的故事,并讓觀眾與他們共情。就這一點而言,電影成功做到了把Joseph Bologne這個被歷史擦除的人物重新介紹給世界的目的。

  • _H
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角度非常新穎 爽劇 最后結(jié)束的太倉促虎頭蛇尾 不過沒想到是真人真事 還是很詫異的 從自己的小情小愛到格局打開 人物成長很自然

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  • 阿達(dá)
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  • Han
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GFF 3.6 全片最贊給到音樂,劇情比較平鋪直敘,但運(yùn)鏡不錯(警察串場沙威+男主綠色那套衣服串場hamilton

  • Lyrissn
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  • 光與影
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規(guī)整美國視角傳記教育片,雖然root for主角,但反派也略膚淺了,制作規(guī)模撐起不少。真實人物故事更跌宕起伏并令人唏噓。

  • 可可雨里
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  • 加一份奧利奧碎
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  • 一只虎鯨使勁
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服化道、配樂、拍攝都挑不出毛病,但是這么正的設(shè)定為什么要配這么狗血的劇情Orz 男主實在是太像撒貝寧了,我臉盲我檢討。女主漂亮得像個洋娃娃,非常符合《beef》里形容的在家瞪著兩個電燈泡。

  • 天天天藍(lán)
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  • ??
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失望大過期望。用非?,F(xiàn)代的思想講法國大革命爆發(fā)前的種族平權(quán)和(一點)性別平權(quán)故事,但另一方面電影的敘事本身又非常不平權(quán),比如中老年女性歌唱家因為其身材和皺紋而被賦予笑柄,比如French Queen成為全片最大靶子但人物塑造一團(tuán)糊涂。Montalembert(女主丈夫)歧視黑人,但主要只是嫉妒妻子和Joseph有一腿,影片前半段討論的identity, nationality, equality逐漸被一些并不好看的私人恩怨淹沒,直到最后法國群眾(包括甚少交代其真實生活背景的黑人community)上街游行,才勉強(qiáng)回歸正題。導(dǎo)演每塑造一個反派角色,必然從ta的性欲望上做文章。女歌唱家對男主求愛不成最終才會站在政治上的對立面;無法勇敢與男主私奔的女主最終才無法過上幸福生活。一切還是太沙文主義了。

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  • 冰湖守夜人
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identity liberty and music

  • SinCerity
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私心推薦。經(jīng)典敘事,騎士傳奇(騎士和貴婦人搞婚外情),但藝術(shù)家。別的不說結(jié)尾那一段音樂實在是太棒了,巴黎不愧是革命老區(qū)(bushi 從父親的教誨到母親的世界,我們也許都是這樣長大的,世界上只有一種英雄主義,就是世界以痛吻我,我卻報之以歌。

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