一九四三年六月,張愛玲在英文月刊《二十世紀(jì) / XXth Century》第四卷第六期的影評(píng)專欄“On the Screen: Japanese Productions”中,發(fā)表了電影“鴉片戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng) (萬(wàn)世流芳) / The Opium War”的英文影評(píng)。影評(píng)全文掃描請(qǐng)見美國(guó)夏威夷大學(xué)馬諾阿分校哈密爾頓圖書館中的電子版館藏(可直接下載PDF):
http://evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10524/32551The Opium War
The Opium War[鴉片戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)] (Toward Eternity[萬(wàn)世流芳]), a joint production of The China Film Co.[中國(guó)電影股份有限公司], The China United Film Production Co.[中華聯(lián)合制片公司], and the Manchoukuo Motion Picture Co.[滿洲映畫協(xié)會(huì)] In the leading parts: Kao Chan-fei[高占飛], Wang Yin[王引], Mon Nah[蒙納], Yen Djuen[嚴(yán)俊], Lee Hsiang-lan[李香蘭], Nancy Chen[陳云裳], Yuan Mei-yun[袁美云].
Modern Chinese do not like to have their attention drawn to certain features of old Chinese life. Any reference in foreign films to such things as bound feet, pigtails, or opium smoking, invariably calls forth indignant protests. Until The Opium War no Chinese film has ever made the slightest allusion to the opium habit which, we must admit, is still prevalent in China today. Hence The Opium War deserves much praise for its candor, its many-sided approach to a painful subject. In other respects, too, the film is an event in China’s brief movie history. In spite of all handicaps and limitations imposed by the consequences of a world war, in spite of the fact that the capital employed was only a small fraction of that spent on even a minor Hollywood production, the result is impressive.
The story revolves around the rise and romance of Viceroy Lin Chih-hsu[林則徐], the dominating figure in the Opium War of a hundred years ago. A subsidiary plot concerns a friend of Lin’s and a girl selling candy in an opium den. Lin and the two women in his life fight against the opium habit in the masses. Lin’s friend struggles against the habit in himself, and the candy girl against that in her lover.
The film is already crowded with dramatic material. The excuse for adding a romance “which might have been” as a subplot is probably to provide a role for the Manchoukuo star Lee Hsiang-lan. With her songs, Miss Lee proves to be the most eloquent spokesman of the piece; for the dialogue, though polished and concise, is not free from the doubtful mixing of modern phraseology with the classical language—the usual trouble with costume plays.
On several occasions, the actual words from Lin’s official decrees are inserted into the dialogue. Kao Chan-fei, in the part of the Viceroy, recites them in a clear, colorless tone. Kao’s attitude toward the role is evidently one of great reverence bordering on fear. The same fear limits the makers of the film in the scope of their interpretation. In keeping to the beaten track of romantic melodrama, they show themselves distrustful of the ability of the audience to follow more complicated political and military developments. This distrust does not take into account the fact that the Chinese public, trained during the last thirty years to be attentive newspaper readers, is now extremely well versed in journalistic literature and would prove fully receptive to Lin’s story, the mere straight telling of which would be deeply moving.
Lin miraculously defends Canton with the scanty forces and ammunition at his command. The British leave Canton to attack the ports farther up the coast. China makes a humiliating peace, undoing all that the Viceroy has accomplished against the importation of opium. The film does not sufficiently utilize such excellent ready-made drama and chooses instead to magnify an attempted assassination for its climax. All we see of the Opium War is a map showing the British expedition. During the action in Canton, the movie is preoccupied with the intersection of the parallel careers of Lin and his old flame, an enterprising lady who echoes his crusade against opium and, leading the population like a rather un-Chinese Joan of Arc against the British, dies in battle.
The beginning is a masterly synthesis of concrete details. Mon Nah and Yen Djuen animate the opium-den scenes with their robust caricatures of Britishers. Viceroy Lin is nursing his hatred, gathering up his power for the blow. At last he strikes, and meets with defeat. As a stimulus for revenge, the defeat portrayed is too paltry, largely due to the story being fined down to individual threads when it should expand. At the signing of the treaty, we hear that Lin has been dismissed and banished. He leaves Canton, exchanging stately speeches with the adoring multitude that sees him off. On his way he visits the grave of his old love.
As the girl who, but for a misunderstanding, would have married the Viceroy, Nancy Chen overacts. Her technique clashes with the straight-forward acting of Lee Hsiang-lan and Wang Yin (Lin’s friend) and with the reticence of Kao Chan-fei. Yuan Mei-yun as Lin’s wife is charmingly Chinese.
Considering the fact that the Chinese film industry has never before handled such a large capital and so great a number of talents as in The Opium War, this clinging to details is justifiable. Most of the detail is very well done, for example the one chopstick on the pot in which the medicine is boiling, to ward off evil spirits. In a few instances still greater historical accuracy would have helped as, for example, in the manner in which the slave girls hold the arm of their mistresses and in the performance of proper kowtows.
The film provides a splendid background of the China of the last century—the shameful part of which present-day China, with her more mature self-consciousness, is no longer anxious to keep in the dark. — Eileen Chang[張愛玲]
這部影片給我們上世紀(jì)的中國(guó),一個(gè)非常好的縮影。中國(guó)現(xiàn)在對(duì)本身已有成熟的了解,不再急于把往日的羞辱掩蓋起來(lái)了。 — 陳炳良譯
牌坊credit,華人white face演出,戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)場(chǎng)面,如psycho般使用影子的刺客戲,經(jīng)典賣糖歌。許多厲害之處。
同一個(gè)作品可以被解讀出完全相反的意思:在日本人眼里是驅(qū)逐英美,符合東亞共榮;在中國(guó)人眼里則是攘夷保境,符合抗日救亡。中聯(lián)中華滿映聯(lián)手,汪滿映畫界頂配陣容,女三李香蘭因此爆紅。 20110829想看
重寫了鴉片戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的歷史 將一種本應(yīng)非常政治化的故事改編為才子佳人的愛情羅曼史 同時(shí)還體現(xiàn)著一種“girls help girls”的性別進(jìn)步圖景 在建構(gòu)起來(lái)的娛樂空間中抵御日本侵略者的文化入侵 “萬(wàn)世流芳”的并非是被個(gè)人英雄主義式頌揚(yáng)的林則徐 而是群像刻畫出來(lái)的象征著中華民族的集體主義 那些不完美的個(gè)體 那些二元論邏輯之外的復(fù)雜人物 那些被主流話語(yǔ)所排斥出局的他者
20121120 觀摩課 林則徐的風(fēng)流史
又見袁美云~李香蘭也太好看了!陳云裳滿臉好媳婦的面相~~= =
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