原著,我沒有看過。看完電影后更加想看原著。這樣的順序,失望的概率應該小很多吧^^ 片尾曲開頭好像是唱那個i wanna be go right na na na 的哥們唱的也~
2 ) It's a real confession of a shop-a-holic.
The first word to say, which is exactly how I feel, is that this movie is a rehabilitation way for most of shop-a-holics to go, and it needs someone to understand it.
At the very beginning of the movie, Rebecca had made clear her indulgence in shopping. In the other side of the shop windows, there's another world. A world where the most beautiful delicate encounter takes place. And she had some words that completely hit me.
You can never exchange your lover for a gorgeous cashmere sweater within 7 days.
How can a lover ever be compared to shopping?! When he's with you, he doesn't necessarily bring you fantastic clothes and jewellery and things like that, but when you break up, he doesn't even give you a sweater. You don't have anything, if you do, it's a broken heart. Who'd ever make a money-losing deal like that?! I mean, being in the shop center, you find yourself in a new world. Everything is brand new, fashion forward and glittering, and they also smells good. Moreover, just a punch of your credit card and they're all yours. It feels like the whole world coming back to you. Your desire for things and your satisfaction of getting them can overcome any kind of sadness. It brings back all your self-respect and the confidence to live a fabulous life, telling you how gorgeous you are. This is when you find it a must to be there, shopping. It's like an addiction.
If you're not a shop-a-holic and you don't feel the same as I do, there's no need for you to read on. You'll never understand the heartbreaking feeling when you have to break up with all those shopping centers and everything you love. You'll never understand the desperation when you find yourself having nothing left because of the unreasonable thirst for luxury. You build your own prison and you lock yourself up in your carnal desires. It's such a great beat that there are tears running in your eyes. Now you admit the fact that it's a bad thing and you're a coward who can never fight against yourself.
This movie is the right brand of give-up-smoke candy for most of the shop-a-holics, at least the ones like me. Cut the knot, and made the decision. That's what to do to move on in life. You need to smash everything into pieces to live a better life.
And for those who aren't shop-a-holics, or those who don't understand the attraction of fashion, you just don't have the right to say anything negative about the movie. Since you've never been into it, you'd never know how to get out.
since I was 14 I wanted to work in alite magazine,if I can get this job, I would be happy for ever. 嗯,我可不可以說,since I was 8,我就很想做個服裝設計師咯。 小時候的愿望很多,變化也快,就如日月的更替一樣,自然而又頻繁。偶爾也會主流的不得了,比如科學家,博士之類的。 后來逐漸發(fā)現(xiàn),原來夢想就是你喜歡,并愿意為之勇敢犧牲,并樂在其中的。
剛開始還挺好笑 之后妹子要風得風要雨得雨就有點惡心人了 時時讓自己身上衣服保持4種以上的顏色還是真是辛苦了
Isla Fisher太好玩了,夠子怡章學一輩子了