第二十四集 本以為和奶奶有特殊情感紐帶的Alex卻在奶奶逝世以后收到了奶奶給予她的一個普通打火機,而留給其他孩子的都看起來頗有意義。她略有些失望,后來卻發(fā)現那封本來只寫了“this is a lighter”的信可以展開,里面有一大段內容:“This is a lighter. It's belonged to my favourite actor, Paul Newman. One day he came into the restaurant where I was waitressing . And accidentally lefbehind first.For the first time in my life,i did something I wasn't supposed to doand slipped it into my pocket.One of the customer saw, and said, don't worry .Your secret's safe with me. That customer turned out to be the love of my life,your grandfather.So my Alex,who I love dearly who. who is probably too much like me fogood everything.every once in a while , don't be afraid to break the rules .you never know what can happen.”
4-7 海莉醉酒襲警被拘留。菲爾一路上都在念經過的華夫餅店而克萊爾理都不理他,海莉覺得自己沒有錯而且是受害者,向來是唱白臉的好父親菲爾又餓又困難得爆發(fā)訓了她一頓,克萊爾這才又驚又喜的說去給他買華夫餅哈哈哈 4-10克萊爾和卡梅隆為了棒球賽修建棒球場。他們發(fā)現棒球場附近有一棟舊房子在出售,想買下來翻修再高價倒賣出去,菲爾和米奇爾明里暗里不同意,覺得他們做不來這事。后來棒球場修好了,做的出乎意料的規(guī)整!(克萊爾和卡梅隆,一個是婚前事業(yè)有成的酒店管理,一個是全能的老師)菲爾說“這就是婚姻的可笑之處。你愛上了一個不一般的人,隨著長時間的相處,慢慢地只看得見對方平凡的樣子?!盩hat's the funny thing about marriage.You fall in love with this extraordinary person,and over time,they begins to seem ordinary.
珍惜身邊人。 4-12 菲爾沒收了海莉的工資作家用,海莉為了氣父母找了個牛仔褲大叔約會。一開始克萊爾很生氣菲爾卻很開心的穿上新牛仔褲。但是當夫妻倆看到海莉跟大叔接吻的時候,菲爾不淡定了,而克萊爾卻想到自己曾經也是這樣氣老爹的,只要強裝無所謂女兒自然會跟大叔分手還會惡心到自己。最后海莉吹牛逼說要去很遠的地方吃飯還要開房,克萊爾假裝支持她還讓菲爾給她信用卡。海莉乘坐的電梯門關了后,菲爾大爆發(fā)把克萊爾罵的狗血淋頭說她判斷力一直有問題,然后沖進另一部電梯。沒想到海莉真的如克萊爾意料的返回來了。
??“Just enjoy it.”
4-13老爸和三姐弟的social problem 評論說是致敬教父 毛絨斑馬頭??也太逗了
4-16 寶寶??的頭發(fā)被剪殘了,一家人瘋狂甩鍋,居然最后甩在了老爹身上哈哈哈,一個個向自己的左邊看→_→
4-17 莉莉和她爸爸女性朋友的對話,超可愛哈哈哈 -抱歉沒讓你來婚禮 -沒事,我下次去就好 小白眼翻得溜
4-18 盧克真是多才多藝哈哈哈 除了學習其他都優(yōu)秀哈哈哈 結尾教小舅打球的迷之教程笑死 想起之前還變相的教格洛莉婭單車哈哈哈
This is a lighter. It belonged to my favorite actor Paul Newman. One day, he came to the restaurant where I was waitressing and accidentally left behind. For the first time in my life, I did something I wasn’t supposed to and slipped it into my pocket. One of the customer saw and said “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” That customer turned out to be the love of my life, your grandfather.
So, my Alex, who I love so dearly, who is probably too much like me for her own good, every once in a while, don’t be afraid to break the rules. You never know what can happen.
That's the funny thing about marriage, you fall in love with this extraordinary person, and over time they begin to seem ordinary. There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange, mixed affair we call life. when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke. Though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns. And more than suspects that the joke is nobody's expense but his own. She was always doing crazy stuff like this going out of her way to take care of us.I coughed on the phone once and she overnighted me soup. When I wanted to learn how to ski, she knit me a sweater.When I wanted to be a marine biologist, she knit me a sweater with a whale on it. This is a lighter. It belonged to my favorite actor, Paul Newman. One day, he came into the restaurant where I was waitressing and accidentally left it behind.For the first time in my life, I did something I wasn't supposed to and slipped it into my pocket.One of the customers saw and said, "don't worry, your secret's safe with me."That customer turned out to be the love of my life, your grandfather.So my Alex, who I love so dearly, who's probably too much like me for her own good. Every once in a while, don't be afraid to break the rules.You never know what can happen.
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