A group of ivory-tower lexicographers realize they need to hear how real people talk, and end up helping a beautiful singer escape from the Mob.
Marriage? I thought I was married to my books. The only thing I thought I could care for deeply was a correctly constructed sentence. The subject, predicate, adverbial clause, each in its proper place, and then you... You see, I've had rather a curious life. I graduated from Princeton when I was 13. I recited Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright when I was a year old. Before I was two, I could read fluently. People like that just, well... You see, dust just piles up on their hearts. And it took you to blow it away.
---- Yes, I love him. I love those hick shirts he wears with the boiled cuffs. And the way he always has his vest buttoned wrong. Looks like a giraffe and I love him. I love him because he's the kind of a guy that gets drunk on a glass of buttermilk. And I love the way he blushes right up over his ears. I love him because he doesn't know how to kiss, the jerk. ----
I'm a man in love.It's the first time in my life. I want to take her in my arms. I thought because I was young. I had self-control but that's not true. I think of her every waking moment. Why, if this marriage had been delayed, I mean, should have been delayed.I mean, should be... Listen to that. Oddly, I don't know my tenses anymore. I've gone goofy, completely goofy,bim-buggy, slap-happy.
You must get me out of your mind just as I must get you out of this house. ———— A little sun on my hair and you had to water your neck.
After you've declared your feelings, it's the only logical step to take
"Look, how this ring encompasseth thy finger.Even so thy breast encloseth my poor heart.Wear both of them, for both of them are thine."
Howard Hawks’ emblematic screwball comedy germinates from the wheeze of Billy Wilder when the latter was still in Germany, it is the quintessential coupling of the pedantic and the sultry, Gary Cooper plays Prof. Bertram Potts, a grammarian who is leading a group of eight scholars compiling and collating an encyclopedia, when a sultry nightclub performer Sugarpuss O’Shea (Stanwyck) takes shelter in their residence in NYC, who indeed is the gun moll of mob boss Joe Lilac (Andrews), the rest is written in the stone although it takes a tortuous route to reach its feel-good finish line.
Less loquacious and rapid-fire than Howard’s BRINGING UP BABY (1938), BALL OF FIRE points up the mine of vernacular in lieu of verbal rebuttal between the opposite sexes, it is during Prof. Potts’ field trip to collect current lexicon of slang when he is swept off his feet by a bling-bling Sugarpuss, performing DRUM BOOGIE withGene Krupa and his orchestra, accentuated by the bandleader'skilling drum solo and an ingenious miniature encore with matches. They are two different kettles of fish, a stuffy bachelor vs. a pragmatic siren, a mismatch rarely can make their way out in real life, and that's what enthralls even today’s audience, to watch something profoundly absurd but innocuously entertaining without its story being dumbed down or defamed by crass jokes pandering to the lowest common denominator is almost too good to be true.
Also, the star appeal is in high voltage, Cooper is not just a too handsome specimen in a button-down suit, he also makes the schtick of doing everything with proprietieslook effortless and goofy; an Oscar-nominatedStanwyck benefits from an earthier temperament and layers of inner conflicts deviled by her sapio-sexual conversion, is at her best when she retains her phlegm before impishly doling out her“yum yum” to a gawky virgin, which catches him unawares.
Another fount of joy comes from the riff on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, as the other 7 professors grows an unanimous affinity to Sugarpuss, to the dismay of the stern housemaid Miss Bragg (Howard), and among them, the only widower is the botanist Prof. Oddly, Richard Haydn brings about a loveably prissy mannerism that steals the limelight in the well-orchestrated crunch when the group has to outmaneuver Joe’s two pistol-wielding henchmen. In short, considerably more accessible and more laid-back than BRINGING UP BABY, BALL OF FIRE excels in conflating different genre fodder (comedy, musical, gangster) into a helluva ride of a modern fairytale, and runs away with our affection on a moment’s notice.
referential points: Hawks’ TWENTIETH CENTURY (1934, 6.0/10), BRINGING UP BABY (1938, 7.4/10); George Cukor's THE PHILADELPHIA STORY (1940, 8.1/10).
真是受不了billy wilder那些假裝mixed-genre又一波三折的爛故事??!和那些假裝有message有諷喻的爛梗!!gary cooper和barbara stanwyck搭配表現(xiàn)也一般,倒是那群老頭挺可愛的
雖然Billy Wilder劇本很NB,但還是感覺霍華德·霍克斯的喜劇標(biāo)準(zhǔn)比前者略遜一籌,中間有小段的冷場,而且在Barbara的光芒四射下Gary Cooper太木頭了,悶騷有了卻不來電,不過書呆子老學(xué)究們大戰(zhàn)黑幫匪徒的群戲甚是可愛,整體3.5星...
嘉寶太冷艷,赫本大帝太中性,果然史坦威才是黃金時(shí)代第一御姐啊;加里庫珀可能還是不適合演愛情喜?。籇an Duryea的銀幕反派小混混形象都可以成為文化符號了吧;最后,Gene Krupa is GOD!??!
美國俚語學(xué)習(xí)手冊,臺(tái)詞字字珠璣,又是謊言促成美好姻緣的喜劇。選擇庫柏和安德魯斯就是神經(jīng)喜劇與黑色電影的混合,而芭芭拉本身就游刃于這兩種類型片中,其效果自然是渾然天成。ps: L'EQUIPE、T/H的的俚語式翻譯也超好玩!
兩個(gè)次元人類的激情碰撞 最后的反擊呆萌呆萌的
1、火球,1941年。2、翻拍自著名動(dòng)漫白雪公主與七個(gè)小矮人(其實(shí)不是),日本人后來翻拍成編舟記2013(其實(shí)也不是)。3、女生愛說俏皮話,加里庫柏都扛不住。3、講了一位夜總會(huì)女歌手和一個(gè)編辭典的教授的愛情糾葛。3、有黑幫與學(xué)術(shù)界的沖突,所以神經(jīng)喜劇(Screwball comedy)和黑色電影(noir)都沾點(diǎn),肯定偏喜劇這邊兒4、大導(dǎo)演霍華德霍克斯執(zhí)導(dǎo),7年后他又重拍了一遍自己(艷曲迷魂1948),據(jù)說是因?yàn)橛欣习蹇铣鲥X,反正閑著也是閑著。4、編劇里有后來大名鼎鼎的比利懷德,臺(tái)詞機(jī)關(guān)槍不是蓋的。
書呆子和風(fēng)流女的故事總是火花迸濺 加上Hawks和Wilder的合作就是質(zhì)量保證 結(jié)尾笑料十足而且不落俗套 would you ...would you yum me just once more? 太可愛了
成人版(字面義)的白雪公主與七個(gè)小矮人lol! 霍克斯的機(jī)關(guān)槍對話愛情喜劇是看不厭的,編劇還有比利懷德,就是跟加里庫珀一樣,斯坦威克的潮語我也有點(diǎn)跟不上...
Barbara Stanwyck真是迷死人,完全拜倒在她石榴裙下。她的性感可以是說話時(shí)輕輕抽動(dòng)的嘴角,可以是漫不經(jīng)心的一個(gè)動(dòng)作??催^她四部電影里有三部的男主角都要被她騙。。。外加一群可愛的老頭,精彩的鼓手。
黑社會(huì)老大的夜總會(huì)情婦還是更適合Rita Hayworth來演,芭芭拉難免有點(diǎn)生硬,教老教授們跳舞的那場戲,沒看出多少感染力。
screwball comedy的一大特征:刻意丑化男主角。stanwyck美呆了