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主演:羅德·斯泰格爾  杰拉丁·菲茨杰拉德  布洛克·皮特斯  



典當商 劇照 NO.1典當商 劇照 NO.2典當商 劇照 NO.3典當商 劇照 NO.4典當商 劇照 NO.5典當商 劇照 NO.6典當商 劇照 NO.13典當商 劇照 NO.14典當商 劇照 NO.15典當商 劇照 NO.16典當商 劇照 NO.17典當商 劇照 NO.18典當商 劇照 NO.19典當商 劇照 NO.20
更新時間:2024-04-11 16:54


  《典當商》改編自Edward Lewis Wallant同名小說,主人公是一名猶太人典當商,從納粹集中營逃出后在紐約哈萊姆經營當鋪時維持生計,男主角羅德·斯泰格爾由此獲得了當年奧斯卡影帝的提名。


 1 ) 如何剪輯潛意識——談西德尼呂美特的《典當商》


《典當商》是1964年上映的一部電影,由西德尼呂美特執(zhí)導,改編自美國作家Edward Lewis Wallant的同名小說。主人公是一位猶太人典當商,從奧斯維辛集中營幸存后,在紐約以經營當鋪生意為生,平日里待人冷漠,不近人情。今天我不做故事梗概 ,只聚焦于西德尼呂美特的電影拍攝技巧。推薦大家看完電影后再來看本視頻以便更加深刻理解導演的拍攝用意。順便說一句,本片是第一部經美國電影協(xié)會(MPAA)批準并授予海斯法典(Hays Code),可以展示女性腰部以上裸體的公映電影,也為1960年代電影制作人與美國電影協(xié)會(MPAA)之間的一系列對抗揭開序幕,這些對抗導致五年內Hays Code被廢除,轉而啟用電影評級制度。

 2 ) 這段pawnbroker的臺詞治療一切文藝病

Well,my friend, you have no land to call your own, to grow food on or to hunt.

You have nothing. You are never in one place long enought to have a geography or an army or a land myth.

All you have is a little brain. A little brain and a great bearded legend to sustain you ahnd convince you that you are special,even in poverty.

But this brain is the real key,with this little brain you go out and you buy a piece of cloth, and you cut that cloth in two, and you go out and sell it more than you paid for it.Then you run right out and buy another cloth, cut into three pieces and sell it for three pennies profit. But during that time you must never succumb to buying an extra piece of bread for the table.

No! You must immdiately run out and get yourself a still large piece of cloth, and you repeat this process over and over, and suddenly you discover something.You have no longer any desire, any temptation to dig into the earth, to grow food or to gaze a limitless land and call it your own.You just go on and on and on, repeating this process over the centuries, over and over, and suddenly you make a grand discovery ------ You have a mercantile heritage. You are a merchant. You are known as a usurer, a man with secret resources. A witch, a pawnbroker, a sheeny, a mockie and a kike !

 3 ) Boundaries Blurred

On Miss Birchfield’s terrace, our somber, reserved hero Sol Nazerman bitterly uttered his ‘long lost’ experience: ‘It’s been a long time since I felt ... fear. ... There have been memories that I have ... Well, I thought that I had pushed them far away from me, and they keep rushing in. And then there are words that I thought that I have kept myself from hearing and … now they flood my mind.’ Indeed, the fear that overwhelms Sol is generated from his memories. And memory introduces two key issues in this film, that is, how does one live with traumatic memories that he intentionally tried to ‘push away’ and in what ways can the art of filmmaking approach them.

As for the first question, one may answer with the role played by memory in Sol’s ‘dead’ life: in fact, this debilitated character, who keeps himself remote from everyone, solely has his dire memories as company. In the terrace conversation, he refuses Miss Birchfield’s sympathy of him ‘being alone’ with a sneer – for Sol, the problem is not loneliness (we may also recall her na?ve comparison between her loss of husband and Sol’s experience in the camp), but the memories that kept haunting him and depriving him of serenity. Despite Tessie’s father’s furious accusation of being a ‘walking dead’, Sol cannot, if we quote Rodriguez in a later scene in the film, ‘die when (he) want(s) it so badly’. Memory is a phantom lives in his body, dominating his pawnbroker life all the time. Thus, we may say that, although related to the old times, memory, per se, is not a series of events that happened in the past. It is what grabs you and parasitizes you as you walk down the journey of life.

So, how does one live with memories that they try to eliminate but keep flooding back? The answer is, he takes them as fragments that randomly interrupt his semi-conscious mind. And here comes the answer to our second question: Lumet’s splendid montage is the key to represent such kind of memory. Take the scene when the prostitute strips at the pawnshop for example. When she first mentions the name of Rodriguez, a picture of a Nazi officer is cut in twice, extremely briefly. And then a static picture of his wife cuts in, also very briefly. The pictures disappear so quickly that the audience almost cannot figure out what it really is – some may not even notice it. Then, as she strips with her suggestive line ‘Look’, we begin to catch the full picture of Sol’s dreadful memory of seeing his wife being forced into prostitution. And this is exactly how such kind of memories intrudes our real life. At first, it comes to you almost randomly and briefly, so brief that you might not even notice it. You only sense, something is there. And this tiny fragment works like a pebble drops into the deep lake of your mind. As it sinks, a dimple hundreds times bigger than the pebble itself expands in the surface - the brief fragments eventually recall a huge picture which overlays your current life. And the disturbing truth is, once the pebble drops, you can no longer protect your lake from forming the toxic dimple.

Apart from the brilliant montage that reveals the myth of how memories work, the usage of black and white pictures also contributes to enhance the effect of memories. On the one hand, as in Schindler’s List, the black and white in The Pawnbroker also works to express hopelessness, bitterness and solemnness. But unlike the much more reassuring colored candle used as a symbol of hope in Schindler’s List, The Pawnbroker’s usage of complete black and white places a much harsher reality: 20 years after the WW II, survivors cannot see any hope. This change, by the way, is also a very interesting topic concerning the possibilities of making art out of the Holocaust. On the other hand, if we see black and white as a widely used method in filmmaking to illustrate things happen in the past, we discover an intention to eliminate the boundary between the past and the present. The memories of old days before the Camp are colorless because they make the tragedy even tougher. Days in the Camp are reasonably black and white whereas the current life cannot be colorful because memories from the past are always there, depriving any possible colors. Also, while Lumet used sharp contrast of black and white to present different places and mental status, in most cases the two colors mixes into an undistinguishable grey, a color that best summarizes the state of Sol’s mind – indifferent, inescapable and desperate. Though one may argue that on seeing the death of Jesus, Sol starts to ‘sense the shame of his detachment’ (the flashbacks of faces before he slams his hand down on a paper spike can be an evidence), we have to be aware of the fact that Sol is actually going through another cycle of picking up horrible memories and carrying them downwards.

 4 ) 現代生活之圖解





 5 ) 生而為人,對不起。

    一定是受豬影響所以才會想到都市與現代性上面。 開篇和結尾的對比:戰(zhàn)爭之前的田園牧歌,現代都市的"條條框框"。主人公消逝于混亂的街道人群。
    這場模糊了善惡的“戰(zhàn)爭”以年輕人Jesus的死為故事的終結,這是一個絕望的結尾。Jesus接受了Nazerman“Money is all of things”的理念而決定打劫典當行,在Nazerman告訴他你對我來說什么也不是的情況下他還是為了Nazerman飲彈而亡。




flashback 配樂也牛逼。

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"What happened", "I didn't die".所選擇的視角,當鋪內柵欄始終隔離一切的場景設置和表現記憶的形式真的很獨特。故事不斷進展,越來越讓人喘不過氣來 。他活了下來,但從來沒有逃出來,行尸一般,想起荒原里那句,你要什么...我要死

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  • brennteiskalt
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光影質感強,空間感也好(逼仄和空曠,緊張和放松)通過控制每次閃回單個鏡頭的長度,不斷交代更多的背景故事,逐漸塑造出完整的人物,回想起開始的鏡頭如同噩夢。列車那段蒙太奇震了,讓主人公的心理創(chuàng)傷真能感同身受到。畫面非常有設計感,鏡頭語言精準有力,看得出我們呂大爺的獨具匠心! #補遺#

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chill,rod steiger聯想到了 Kevin Spacey

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電影的終點并不在集中營創(chuàng)傷,而在眾生皆苦。那擠在地鐵車廂里搖晃的麻木臉譜與集中營列車內的景象高度重合,難道是偶然?那妓女袒露的乳房能刺痛記憶神經中久被埋葬的痛苦畫面,難道是偶然?往大了看,主人公在劫后余生的美國成為一個典當商,難道是偶然?他打斷向他示好的女人,怒斥她的遭遇“什么也不是”;他對美國人是蔑視的,每天來當鋪的可憐人無論臉上有怎樣的神情,都激不起他一絲一毫的憐憫,因為他認為與自己相比,這些人的遭遇根本不值一提。他有幸存者愧疚,令他最痛的事情一是“I didn’t die”,二是“I could do nothing”;而他選擇的面對方式是像死尸一樣活下去,對自己不作為,對世間一切都不作為。就是在這樣的傲慢與冷漠中,他毀掉了一切救贖的可能,并導致了悲劇的重演:學徒死了,他還活著。一個人心中有監(jiān)獄,在哪里都是監(jiān)獄。

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當一個人不再隨意指責憤世嫉俗者和冷酷者,你已觸摸殘酷生活的本色,并已是上帝的孩子(The children of God);Rod Steigner為該片貢獻了殿堂級的震撼表演,如有神助地呈現了患有奧斯維辛集中營創(chuàng)傷綜合癥的猶太裔典當商這一角色,讓“冷酷索爾”的病態(tài)而極端的情緒捕獲了所有人的心;意識流電影:過去的記憶與現在的生活糾纏不清,昨日的幽靈早已扼住了時光,讓幸存者成為活死人;蝴蝶標本:過去德國納粹的洗劫與現在Harlem區(qū)的洗劫呼應,人的暴力從未遠離;監(jiān)守自盜者的阻遏與贖罪,每一個人,不管是幸存者、旁觀者抑或是悔罪者,都是下一代年輕人的“教授”和“老師”——不要再傳遞暴力,不要再傳遞扭曲;改編自的Edward Lewis Wallant的小說,精彩配樂出自Quincy Jones。

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