Miss Sharon Jones: Dreams never expire but sometimes they are deferred. Miss Sharon Jones follows the talented and gregarious soul singer of the Grammy nominated R&B band "Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings." In the most challenging year of her life, Sharon Jones confronts pancreatic cancer. As she struggles to find her health and voice again, the film intimately uncovers the mind and spirit of a powerful woman determined to regain the explosive singing career that eluded her for 50 years.
記錄了靈魂樂歌手Sharon Jones幾年間對抗癌癥并重拾自信登臺演出的歷程,她有美麗的嗓音以及充滿激情卻也足夠樸實的性格,芭芭拉卡珀的敘事便是將她的歌聲笑聲與她跟友人在病痛中的掙扎兩條線相穿插融合,傳達出一種混合了悲傷、歡樂、沉重與溫情的復雜情感,卡珀的鏡頭捕捉到了許多微妙與真實的細節(jié)。
瓊斯小姐像一顆儲蓄著無數(shù)能量的槍炮 在舞臺上把對命運的不屈射向觀眾 真強大啊